Friday, January 1, 2016


Another year come and gone.  Instead of looking back at what was, I'm looking ahead to what's to be.  

My house still shows the trappings of Christmas passed but these will soon be put away for the year. That task is on my to do list, one of many that I've noted for the year.  Also on the list cleaning out and organizing in the pantry, my study, the loft.

We are looking forward to a big trip in the summer to Europe; Finland first then a river cruise on the Danube starting in Budapest and ending near Munich where we will stay several nights on the outskirts.  Dan has been to Germany but this will be my first trip.

The garden has its own list of "to do" items.  My fight against the deer damage will continue.  The fishing line was a success for much longer than I expected.  That will have to be restrung come spring and the downed wood fence built higher.  I hope to purchase another arbor and gate for the east entrance to the backyard.  Plants will be moved that are a favorite food of the deer.

The beds in the perennial garden need work.  The light in that space has changed in the 10 years we've lived here.  Once was full sun is now partial shade.  I need to rethink what I have planted there

There are books to be read, day trips to be taken, crafts to pursue, new and old connections to be made.

What will 2016 bring? Stay tuned.