Tuesday, September 1, 2015

What's Blooming Sept. First?

Took a brief walk outside in the backyard after dinner.  Had to water some new transplants with all the heat we are having.  Decided then to grab the new camera and show off what's still in bloom as September begins.

Not blooms but lovely green leaves of these plantain lilies or hosta.  Last year all that was showing at this time were the leafless stems thanks to the deer.  Not this year thanks to fishing line measures.

You can tell by the droop that its hot and at the end of a growing season.

Here are some new blooms.  Obedient plant?  I never can remember the correct name.  My mother-in-law gave these to me and I'm thankful they bloom in September.

This day lily is on its very last bloom this evening.  I don't know if it was an aberration but it has bloomed all summer.  Can't remember that happening before.

Black-eyed susans still in bloom.  Goldfinches love these.

I cut my clematis down in June after it became diseased.  It has resurrected and now starting to bloom again.  No sign of the disease.

And the knockout roses are a knockout.

A fleeting flower on the moon plant.

Here is one of my transplants - an aster.  I hope it survives the winter.

I didn't walk around to the front and Mom's Garden. Too hot!  I know the lavender is blooming again.  The Autumn Joy sedum is blooming but that bed has no fishing line protection and depends upon my spraying Liquid Fence.  Unfortunately the deer have begun to nibble on those sedums though I hope the application of L.F. yesterday will deter them.