Monday, August 31, 2015

Unpacking the Harvest

This is the basket of produce from my vegetable garden this morning.

Here's a closer look at what's in there.

Two heads of lettuce.  There's lots more to come there.

Zucchini and yellow squash, though 3 of these were harvested yesterday.

A very long cucumber which was a surprise since the plants are dying and I don't know why.
And a Jimmy Nardello pepper.

Almost the last tomatoes.  There will probably some Juliette yet but the others are basically dead.

Three butternut squash.  In cutting the largest one off the vine I cut the entire vine not realizing that at the other end were very small squash starting to develop.  Oh, well.  These are headed to cure in the sun.  I don't know why I do that other than my mother did it with her plentiful harvests of butternuts each fall.  Maybe a fellow gardener can enlighten me on this tradition.