Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Walk to My House

I live on a private lane with a driveway that is 1/5 of a mile in length.  It makes for a nice walk down to the end but quite a workout going back up.  Walk with me.

Here's where the lane meets our driveway.  We placed a large stone with our address there.

We start walking with the wetlands to our right.

Here's the first turn of several.  A huge sycamore and a tulip poplar tree are competing for the same spot on the left.

 The next turn

brings us to the dinosaur.

Well, it's a downed branch or trunk from this willow oak.  It looks like its still alive with the new growth showing.

A spot of color other than green in the wetlands.

The driveway continues with a row of volunteer sycamores flanking the right side.

To the next turn.  A walnut tree, dead, leans against living trees.  we've been watching it slowly lower.  One day we may hear the boom of it falling to earth.

 Here's a look into the glen on our left with all the tall trunks of trees competing for sunlight.

 Around another turn as we cross a creek.

 Look to the right and there is the creek showing evidence of high water earlier this summer.

A look down into the wetlands as we climb the driveway.

 The final turn before the biggest climb.

 Our driveway runs along a pipeline easement at this point.

 Looking back you can see the easement into the distance.

 On our left is a grove of white pine.

Black pine were probably some of the first trees to grow back after this land was cleared.

Almost to the top.  Out of breath?

The vegetable garden and roofline come into sight.

Here we have arrived.  Thanks for joining me on this walk.