Monday, August 17, 2015

August Vacation Trip (4 of 4)

Other Parks Near Wellsboro, PA.

We visited several parks nearby including Hills Creek State Park where we had a nice hike around the lake and a picnic lunch.  It was too cool to swim in the lake.  All of the PA parks we visited were free.  This was quite a pleasant surprise for us.

Joe Pye weed in full bloom.

We also had a cookout supper at Cherry Springs State Park.
The Endless Mountain Music Festival sponsored a brass quintet concert there that evening followed by a tour of the night sky.  This park is an international dark sky park.  Sorry no photos but we did see the Milky Way very clearly and were awed by shooting stars.

Another day we went to see birds unsuccessfully at The Muck.

These wetlands were beautiful in the morning light.  We heard the frogs and could see some ducks in the distance but nothing close by.

A bat house?

If you are ever up in northern PA you may want to make a stop in Wellsboro and the surrounding areas.