Thursday, July 2, 2015


I'd love to day these two (above and below) were my pots, but they aren't.  These were outside Arbor House, the gift shop, at the National Arboretum.  I photographed them because I've taken to planting succulents in pots lately.

Here are some of my pots this summer.

These next two aren't succulents but my attempt at growing better heuchera.

[Update: both these pots go munched on by deer on Thursday night late.  They made a meal on one hosta, day lilies, and sedum in the Glen and Perennial gardens.]

This has grass and sedums.

This one I'm most pleased with.  And the raccoon hasn't dug it up this year!

These last are little dish gardens.  Not too unlike this dish garden (above) at the Bonsai exhibit.