Saturday, June 13, 2015

Morning Work in the Vegetable Garden

Hot and humid here so the only good time to work outside is in the early morning.  Did that on this Saturday morning.  I think I was out there by 7 am and worked till 9 am.

All the lettuce and spinach had bolted and needed removing.  The weeds had grown along the outsides of the raised beds.  Thankfully the black plastic mulch is keeping the weeds out of the pathways.  Here's how it looks weeded.

These peppers are doing well.  There is a tiny row of Little Gem lettuce there between the tomatoes and the peppers.

First tomato blossoms are on the Juliette.

These peppers are not doing quite as well,

A bed full of tomato plants.

Some blueberries are ripening.

This bed got another row of beans after I cut down the snow peas. 

Garlic going gangbusters.  I have a full bag of scapes to use up.

Cucumbers will be climbing soon.

Butternut squash in a bed where the blueberry bush didn't survive.

It was a good morning of work.  But the humidity is too high to work any more out there today.