Thursday, May 21, 2015

Pond Garden

I was out taking photos of the iris in the gardens yesterday morning and had to take these photos of the Pond Garden.

Here's the lilac in full bloom - a Mother's Day gift from Sarah.  Lilacs are the city flower of Harbin, China where Sarah was living in 2009 when she told me to buy myself one for Mother's Day.

I spotted the goldfish.  Not as many as last year, but it's neat to see they survived the winter.

This water lily is getting bigger every year.  I hope to see blooms again this year.

The water iris are not in full array yet but soon will be.

The Joe Pye weed is sprouting well.

This is a volunteer don't know if it's a seedling from the plant pictured below it.

The butterfly weed is doing well too.

There's my study window where I have a fine view of the Pond Garden.