Thursday, April 16, 2015

What's Up Today!

In the vegetable garden that is.

 One of my many garden tasks today was to hoe the veggies and plant two new blueberry bushes.

This bed has lettuces and garlic.

This bed has spinach.  Yeah!  I didn't get any last year.

This bed has lettuce started inside.

Here are two of the three beds of snow peas.

Here's the garlic - more than I need.  I'm still using from last year's harvest.

Here are the two new blueberry bushes replacing two that died.

Here are the other 4.

Last bed with bok choy, not all of it shown.

And isn't this a lovely color of yellow?
That forsythia was a gift that we planted 10 years ago now.  I think this is its best year so far.  The deer didn't eat it because they focused on the English laurel over the winter.  This is on the east side of the Pond Garden.