Thursday, March 26, 2015

View from Here - Spring Temps

Today is supposed to be the warmest day we have had in ages: 75ยบ.

Trouble is it's also raining.

So during the first rain shower I vacuumed the screen porch and swept the deck.

Then when the rain stopped did some pruning before the rain drove me inside again.

Now I've had my lunch and am waiting for the rain to stop again.

Well, it did back out to work some more on spring chores.

Here's the view from here:

The pond through the screen of the porch with ice.

A bright spot below my bedroom window - can't see them?

Here they are.

My makeshift fence of downed wood. Would you believe I could find nothing on the internet about how to make this?

Closer look.  I hope it will make the deer think twice about jumping it.

I have two helpers coming Saturday to extend it along this edge of the glen. I think they will be able to start with larger logs and build it up from there.  We'll use the trees as stakes to keep them from rolling down into the glen.

Screen porch almost inviting though too soon for cushions.

And too soon for collectibles on display.

But it won't be long now before I'm out there with a glass of iced tea and a good book but first the garden chores need to be done.