Monday, July 28, 2014

Harvest Monday - Late July and An Apology

Wednesday, July 23rd.  Eggplants could have grown larger but I was impatient to make eggplant parmesan.  It was good.

Friday, July 25th.  First large tomato, a Tasti Lee Hybrid from Burpee.  We ate it on BLC's.  C for cucumber, I didn't have lettuce.

Saturday, July 26th.  Harvest after weeding on Saturday morning.  Here are separate shots of what's in the basket.

Two types of peppers.

Found another type of pepper, the Jimmy Nardello in the basket, so took another photo.
I used the peppers for stuffed peppers.  Even stuffed Cubanelle halves.

Cucumber and 2 small zucchinis.  The first harvest of the latter.

A mess of green beans and tomatoes.  Green ones came off branches I had to trim.

Below some of the green ones became fried green tomatoes.  I have discovered how good these are just this year.  Cornmeal, salt, pepper and a dash of sugar when browned in oil.

Monday, July 28th.  More tomatoes.

Here's the apology to the heron who I though had eaten all the goldfish.  The goldfish are still there.  Dan discovered them in the pond two days after my post about them being missing/eaten.  I don't know where they were hiding but they are still there.