Saturday, May 24, 2014

Project Completion!

It sure does feel good to type that title.

With the incredible strength of Dan the project was completed this afternoon.  He surprised me last night and finished the pathways that I had not gotten to.  I was out at book club so that was quite a very nice surprise.

Today then he would fill the wheelbarrow and push it to the spot where I then could shovel the gravel out where it was needed.

We still have gravel left so it is being used to build up a berm to correct the swale along the driveway.

Here are the finished photos at dusk tonight.
[To see the Before photos go here.]

Looking out from the deck.

What's left of the 5 tons of gravel.

Dan removed our rain barrel that was rotting out.  We built a catch basin.

Standing on the wall at the end of the house.  
The stones need a good rain to wash them off.  Some were coated with clay.  They came from Southern Maryland.

Looking down from the wall I'm standing on.  

A's Garden.

Iris is in full glory.

First clematis bloom.

Had to take this photo of the pond garden.
Next project is to have the cattails removed.

Muscles are stiff and sore.  But nice to have this major project completed.