Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Filled To the Brim

And it continues to rain!

Above photos taken this morning.  

This afternoon rain has increased.  Here are updated photos.  Sorry for the quality.  These were taken through rain drenched windows.

This is the scupper from our inverted V roof.

Water is trickling over the left side (at 9 o'clock position) of the pond despite the overflow trench on the right (at 2 o'clock position).

Monday, April 28, 2014

2014 First Harvest

Just picked - baby bok choy and chives.

These will go into an Oriental soup tonight!

It won't be long before I'm picking lettuce, too.

Gardening for Granny!

Friday, April 25, 2014

Friday Shots

A single tulip is blooming.  I had purchased these tulips last spring and when they were done blooming, I transplanted them into the garden.  There may be one more to bloom in a day or two.

I have lots of forget-me-nots but this one is on the hill with a southern exposure so it's in bloom now while the others have yet to set their buds.

All the ferns are sending up their fiddleheads.

Down at the creek near the driveway the skunk cabbage is in all its glory.

Looking upstream there's not as much of it.

I love how the sun shines through the leaves.

The owl house remains empty.  Maybe next year.

Almost time to harvest some bok choy and lettuce.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Wordless Wednesday - Photos from Monday

[Feeders up last Friday - first hummer showed up Saturday.  Can you see it below?]

Thursday, April 17, 2014

You Know It's Spring ....

... when

... hearts are bleeding;
[These are the first of the bleeding hearts to bloom and it's a volunteer growing in the path no less.]

... when

... hosta leaves unfurl;

... when

... there's a red tinge on the trees;


... snow peas have broken the soil;


... lettuce is green;


...spinach two leaves appear;


...blueberries bud;


...eggs appear in the pond;


... I spot the first dandelion;


...multiflora rose in the woods turns green; and

... when
...the hummingbird migration map shows that the hummers have been here and moved on.

Monday, April 14, 2014

What's Up?

You ask "What's up?"

Daffodils all over the yard are mostly blooming.

This by the pond (name escaping me).

Hostas farthest along are against a wall on the east side under my study window.


Bleeding heart.

Bloodroot in perennial garden.

A's garden is mostly done.

Some doors are up.

The vegetable garden has peas up as well as spinach and other lettuces.  Sorry no photos.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Front Garden Makeover in Honor of Mom

The Front Garden makeover happened in two steps.  I posted here about the pathway changes and now today the landscapers from Sun Nursery came to do the clean-up, planting and mulching.

Here are some before, during and after shots.

I don't have any photos from last year of this garden.  I was so disgusted with how it looked.  The weeds just got out of hand. And the lavender so straggly.

I had created this pathway of sorts but it was a precarious trail.

Here's the new pathway.

This is how the Russian sage looked this morning before work started.

Russian sage is to the left and lavender to the right.  Liriope to far right.  

You can see some of the weeds.

There are Autumn Joy sedum between the lavender and liriope.  They will stay.

Jose and his crew started right in pulling out the lavender.

Then removing Russian sage.

They raked it all clear.

Then mulched the entire garden.

I have this much mulch left to spread on other beds.

A vast improvement.

Here are 5 pink muhley grass clumps. In front are two clumps of sedum they divided for me and transplanted down at this end.

This lavender - Munstead dwarf English lavender - will not get as woody as the Provence type I had.

This is Early Amethyst beauty berry, one of 5.

A fitting tribute to my Mom who loved to garden, too.

I guess I can remove the Miss Utility markers now.