Sunday, June 16, 2013

Oh, Deer!

We are just back from a wonderful week in the Thousand Islands having rented a cottage in Thousand Islands Park, NY on the St. Lawrence River.  A lovely spot to visit and enjoy nature.  Future post coming on that subject.

I had someone watering for me the week I was gone and though I did treat everything with Liquid Fence the week before departure, obviously having no one at home meant the critters moved in.  I think most of this is deer damage but the ground hog may be culpable as well.

Every pink geranium blossom is gone.  Here's the before.

Orange day lilies were in the blooming stage but mostly I have stalks now.  And these had been sprayed!

Phlox is nibbled but it will send up new flower buds.

These lilies won't recover this season.

I only have this low one they missed.

This I can't figure.  They ate the leaves of the bleeding heart.  Never have they done this before.

I was so hoping to finally see blossoms on this liatris but not this year.

The hibiscus was just cut right off.  That one's a mystery too because typically not touched by the deer.

The Easter lily had some nibbles but it will bloom.

More day lily bare stalks.

Stella d'oro is never eaten.  Not this time.  Here in the perennial garden and in the pond garden something decided to munch.

And did they really nibble on this too?

I expected the blossoms of the hostas to disappear and some did.  Others didn't.

This is a hibiscus I brought home from my Mom's cottage when we moved her out.  They have been munching on it.

Pink Yarrow - nibbled.

And finally evidence of the other culprit.  A newly dug hole under the deck.  New tactics  are in order to address this scoundrel.

Must break out more Liquid Fence this week and make lots of noise to let them know we are home to stay and please stick to the woods.