Thursday, May 9, 2013

A Surprising Visitor

This afternoon I went to fill up the watering can from the rain barrel

and came upon this visitor keeping warm in the stone wall under Sarah's window.

Can you see it curled up on the ledge of rock?

Here's a closer view.

 And even closer.  It's not as big as it looks.

I checked back later in the day when the stones were out of the sun and it was gone.

Does anyone know what kind of snake it is?

The Glen Garden

The glen garden is along the edge of the woods where the forest conservation area begins.  If you stand  here you can often hear the stream down in the glen gurgling as it travels along its way.  This is the perfect spot for shade loving plants. Many of these were gifts, some I bought and many of the ferns were transplants from the woods.

Walk along the edge with me and enjoy the sights.

We'll start at the eastern end and head west.

This is the west end looking back to the east.

Back to the start.  See those branches back there?  I hope to build a log fence with help from Dan this summer.