Monday, July 23, 2012

Harvest Monday

With the heat the tomatoes had a lull in their ripening schedule.  Then with rain and cooler temps color started to show on Sunday and I picked some only to discard one to ants and another to rot.  These I did pick to bring in each have their troubles.  Something is burrowing in leaving a hole.  It may still be in there and I'll find out once I cut these open.  What kind of bug does this?

Other harvests this week: basil.  Picked on a rainy Saturday, chopped with olive oil and frozen in my new Seal a Meal.

Peppers were picked for hot pepper jelly: green, cubanelle, and jalapenos.

Zucchini has been on the menu every night but last night.  We ate it all and I also made a zucchini lasagna to freeze.

Other harvests: cucumbers on multiple days (one pictured above) and beans at least once.

See other harvests at Daphne's Dandelions.

And I almost forgot.  I also harvested this unknown.  Is it a squash?  I think there's a bug in its stem because particles are coming out that way.  I'll open it soon to discover what it is, I hope.