Monday, June 4, 2012

Harvest Monday & June Garden

We returned home from the rainy northwest of British Columbia where we had little rain to discover that all the rain had been here while we were away.  Two inches of it during the two weeks we were gone and then another two inches overnight on June 2nd.  Needless to say the gardens and especially the vegetable garden had undergone a growth explosion.  Luckily Sarah was home so she had use of the vegetables from the garden most notably the snow peas.

I had two plantings of snow peas this year and the second planting produced peas as the first finished up so there was no break from snow peas.  I haven't had much luck freezing snow peas in the past so we have had them at every dinner since we've been home.  Friday night: steamed and Saturday night: stir fried with other garden rewards (see below).  Sunday: in pot pie.

  Above are two bags of snow peas Sarah picked and refrigerated for us. And below is what I picked on Saturday.  There are more out there to be picked.

I spent Saturday tending the vegetable garden.  All the tomato plants needed tying up, the broccoli needed removing, the bok choy and some lettuce had gone to seed and the carrots needed thinning.  I planted carrots at two different times. Interestingly enough the second planting is bigger than the first.  More sun?
 Above are the tiny thinnings from the first planting, no more than two inches long.  Below are the thinnings from the second planting.

 Also in Saturday's harvest were garlic scapes which Sarah will cook Chinese style for us and the last of the broccoli.  She made use of the bigger heads in the two weeks we were away.  The broccoli, carrots and one scape made it into the stir fry on Saturday night with the snow peas.

 A lovely head of oakleaf lettuce.  One of the few that hasn't bolted.

Now a few photos of what's growing.

 tomatoes, and
 more tomatoes.
 Pepper plants blooming.
 Second planting of snow peas here before I trimmed them back because there are tomatoes on the other side.  Blueberries!
 Tomato blossoms!

See other harvests at Daphne's Dandelions.