Saturday, February 25, 2012

Agatha Christie Challenge continued

Finished another of the Miss Marple series "The Body in the Library" by Agatha Christie.  I had taken a break from reading these books in order to read my book club's selection "The Forgotten Garden" by Kate Morton which six of us discussed here after dinner last night.  That's one I  recommend to readers out there.

"The Body in the Library" opens with just that except the owners of the library have no idea who the body is or how and when it got there.  It's actually quite a sad tale but Christie knows how to soften the blow in her telling of these mysteries.  To write any more about this story will just spoil it for you, so let me just say it's a quick read, as most of her mysteries are, and you'll be astonished at the skills of Miss Marple to cut to the basics in solving the mystery.

I cleaned off the shelves at the library of Miss Marple books so have here in my stack to read:  "The Tuesday Club Murders", "The Moving Finger", "4:50 from Paddington", and "The Mirror Crack'd from Side to Side".

Last Friday, the 17th we had a chance to go to a local theatre production of "The Hollow" by Agatha Christie.  It wasn't a story I was familiar with but of all of us I was the one who picked out who did it.  I guess I've read too many of these, but I must admit I don't usually figure it out.