Thursday, September 8, 2011

Flash Flood!

Yesterday I was returning from JHU hospital where Mom got a second opinion when the rains came down. Mom fortunately was not with me as my sister, Bonnie was driving her back to Chambersburg. Once I got off the Baltimore Beltway and tried to come down Dogwood Rd from Rolling Rd I was stopped by a police cruiser. Road flooded ahead. I took a detour around to try to come in Dogwood from Old Court going through high water on the way and came to a stop by a raging stream across Dogwood. Tried a side road to skirt it but stopped again. Returned to Old Court then Rt 99 in Howard County and tried to come in by way of Old Frederick Road but police cruiser stopped me there because the road was flooded at the railroad tracks. I reached Dan by pay phone (my cell phone was dead!) and he said join him at his office. One hour (instead of 20 min) later I got there because rt 29 was closed to flooding and I had to detour through Columbia with everyone else trying to go south. We left my car in Dan's parking lot and I accompanied him to his rehearsal in Taneytown. We returned home in driving rain not knowing if we were going to be able to get down Dogwood Rd. The flash flood had subsided and we made it home. This morning we made it out so I could get my car but the streams are very high again and I'm staying put for the rest of this day and evening!

The following flash flood photos courtesy of my neighbor, Laura Espey.

The bottom of the lane which our driveway comes off. Our driveway was on this side of this flood.
Below is the same creek today.

This is one stretch of Dogwood Rd. I saw it from where those people are standing.

This was the road I tried to take to get around the flooding. Of course, I was on the other side of this.

My last attempt would have meant driving on this road. I'm glad I didn't.