Monday, August 29, 2011

Yikes - Another Harvest Monday - and Not Much to Show!

Production in the garden has slowed immensely. The sun is moving south which means the tall tulip poplar trees are shading the garden during mid day. The garden gets the first morning sun then later afternoon sun but decreasing sun is taking its toll.

Here's what I found in the garden when we returned from our vacation in Maine. I guess my teen aged watering team didn't pick anything the week before. Or maybe they did and left me the sorrier looking tomatoes.

On Tuesday I picked green beans and used all my tomatoes to make a sauce for dinner.

That's it! I know there will be more beans out there and there are peppers to be picked. I have a late butternut squash that I hope will grow to maturity. But the tomatoes need to be pulled for they are done for the season.

Look for better harvests at Daphne's Dandelions.