Sunday, August 28, 2011

Irene - Before, During, and After

We were on the west side of Hurricane Irene and we are grateful to be spared the major force of its strength. Before it even all began to blow the birds knew something was coming. They were visiting my birdfeeders and my seed producing flowers. I caught this goldfinch outside my bedroom window feasting on the purple cone flower.

We weren't designated a Red Cross Shelter and during the storm we had two uninvited evacuees try to take refuge with us. The first was spotted in the hall and captured in a closet. It was sent packing to the woods. The second pictured below, was found "reading" the AARP Magazine on the hearth.

It was also captured under glass and sent on its way to the designated animal shelter in the woods. Both of them were young things so we wondered where the parents were. Maybe those were the mice captured not so nicely earlier in the week on the porch.

So now here we are after the storm, assessing the damage, waiting on the power to be restored though thankfully the generator is doing its function extremely well and for once the cable/internet has not gone down.

On the north side of the house there are more leaves littering than on the south. I've heard trees fall in the woods but will not investigate until the wind has subsided for good. Other than that the damage is minimal and fixable.

One bright spot in the perennial garden is the Pavonia sent to me by HolleyGarden of Roses and Other Gardening Joys. In fact she featured it as her all time favorite perennial for 2011. It has bloomed for the very first time in my garden. It's a lovely shade of pink and a miniature version of the hibiscus I have. I look forward to having it spread in years to come.