Saturday, August 6, 2011

August Flowers

Thank goodness for black-eyed susans. Like the energizer bunny they keep going and going and going. That means the primary color in the perennial garden is yellow. There is pink with the hibiscus opening one or two flowers each day and the phlox blooming for who knows how long yet.

Along the glen most of the hostas have bloomed and their leaves are looking tired. Where they get lots of sun, leaves are showing their distaste for sun and heat by crisping along their edges.

A hosta bloom singled out looks like a lily. These are the last of the blooms for this year.

The planters are holding their own so long as I keep them watered well. The raccoons have stayed out of them mostly. There was a visit last night and it got into one of the succulent pots and did some digging. For what? Who knows!

These were the last pots planted in an effort to save impatiens from bunny teeth. These pots have filled out nicely and look so nice on their stump perches.

More stump sitting pots that have taken to their shady locations, filled out and are looking nice in this August heat. They help give the impression that the shade is cool and relaxing.

These hanging baskets were in full sun on the deck and now on the swing along the glen they are doing much better. They're out of reach of the ground hog but in reach of the deer. No problem yet and they got a good dousing of liquid fence.

Come and sit for while and enjoy the shade!