Monday, August 1, 2011

Harvest Monday

I imagine you can see that the theme is tomatoes for my harvests. Most of these have been quartered and frozen (I don't can). I served the goldies in a salad with cucumbers, red onions, and basil from the garden along with mozzarella cheese and a light dressing of olive oil, red wine vinegar and sugar. It was a big hit at the dinner with nothing left in the dish. Other tomatoes have gone into scalloped tomatoes which is a summer favorite, on to BLT sandwiches, sliced with pepper, and into salads. I don't know how much longer the tomatoes will produce because the heat is getting to them. There are few to none blossoms out there.

Zucchini production is slowing as the plants are contending with invaders and the heat.

I will pick more peppers soon as they seem to max out their growing.

Cucumbers are still showing new buds and don't seem to mind the heat.

Finally the basil has recovered from whatever was ailing it and is giving me some nice sized leaves. I'll need to freeze that with olive oil since that was nice to have all winter last year.

You can see other gardeners' harvests at our host Daphne's Dandelions.