Sunday, May 15, 2011

Bloom Day for May

I completely forgot it was Bloom Day over at May Dreams Garden until I went to read HolleyGarden and there was her Bloom Day posting. So here's mine, though if you go on to older posts you will see that I've been celebrating Bloom Day all month.

My miniature garden in an old pail is doing nicely. I'm going to leave in the volunteer clover for now.

One of two varieties of allium is in bloom. Irises are a nice contrast.

Siberian irises are spread all over the garden from an initial clump from a friend.

I have three pots of this lovely geranium on my deck. The pots are self watering and I have yet to add water after two weeks.

The clematis below must have known it was Bloom Day because it's opening for the very first time this season.