Saturday, May 14, 2011

What Does the Vegetable Garden Look Like?

I was out this morning taking photos but only posted the perennial pictures (see posting below) and not the vegetable garden ones. I hope I'm not jinxing myself but the garden is doing so well: no critters or bugs so far. We've seen the rabbit and the ground hog close but there are no holes under the fence.
These Rutger tomatoes will be tied to the fence soon. They're almost tall enough to start that next week.

This is the newest raised bed. I could have filled it more but ran out of soil. I planted cucumbers on the fence side and two basil plants with dill seeded between them.

Here are the Amish paste with the first sowing of bush beans on the left.

At the other end of that bed are the Goldies.

I know I need to start pulling scallions because these look very crowded don't they?

The rest of the Rutgers being trained on to netting with the garlic behind them.

Lettuce and spinach bed. I need to make room for peppers and eggplants next week.

And finally the snow peas nice and full with a few blossoms starting to show themselves. (Click on the photo to enlarge and see if you can't see the blossoms on the left side.) My fall spinach which you have seen on most of my Harvest Monday posts is in front. There are two hills of zucchini planted in this bed but neither has germinated. The first hill was planted April 30th so I'm thinking those seeds were duds. Maybe the second sowing will show since I used a different set of seeds for that.

Next week I will work out how to fit in the peppers and eggplants using walls 'o water for some to keep them hot. They need to go into the lettuce and the pea beds since those are the spring crops. As you can see from the photo they need more nutrients than they are getting from these pots right now. But some of the peppers are flowering already so that's a good sign.

May Flowers

That saying "April showers, bring May flowers" is so true. Here it's mid-May and the flowers are in their glory. I love this time of year when everything is the greenest of green and the flowers are opening daily. This is iris time and I have so many more blooming or waiting to bloom than I have ever had. My dividing and transplanting last year has really paid off.

I stood in the center of the perennial garden and took photos of each of the beds. There are eight in all designed like a compass rose. Something is blooming in all of them, even the one dedicated to herbs has chives and sage blooming.