Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Fear of Losing My Peas

Last spring I truly believe that a turkey was eating my peas as they poked through the soil. So this year I've had a net over the peas, but with rain storms it keeps being blown cockeyed. Today when leaving down my steep drive I spotted two very large turkeys in the wetlands at the bottom of the steepest part of the drive. They didn't fly away - they ran. Then I thought of my peas! I'd better fix that net and while I'm back up there, grab the camera. I turned around and did both of those things. Alas, when I returned to where I'd seen them they'd disappeared but left this deer behind. It wasn't there the first time.

It took its time walking away but I had a time trying to capture it so I took photos of the skunk cabbage instead.

Then here's my surprise lily that surprised me two years ago in the wetlands, I transplanted it last year to the entry way to our drive and this year it's growing.

When I got home from my errands the net on the peas was askew again. It's been a windy day. Maybe the peas are past the point when turkeys will eat them?