Thursday, July 1, 2010

Teriyaki Beets

This evening I wanted to use some beets from the garden as a vegetable with dinner. I found this recipe that was a hit with everyone.

Teriyaki Beets from Winter Harvest Cookbook reprinted in from Asparagus to Zucchini: a Guide to Farm-Fresh Seasonal Produce by Madison Area Community Agriculture Coalition

12 small unpeeled beets
4 T butter
2 T honey
1 T minced fresh ginger
1 T soy sauce

Boil or steam the beets until almost tender. Rinse in cold water and cut into halves. (I quartered them.) Combine the other 4 ingredients in a small sauce pan and heat until the butter and honey are melted. Brush some sauce over beets and place on heated broiler pan. Broil 5-10 minutes until tender, basting frequently. Transfer to serving dish and pour remaining sauce over. (I put the beets into a foil pouch, poured on some sauce sealed it and put it on the grill. I poured over the remaining sauce before serving.)


Can you see the eggplant forming?
The first pepper will soon be ready to pick.
I can't wait for these beauties to ripen.
Amish paste tomatoes are loaded.
Another eggplant with a bud.
Beans before I put the netting up.
My onion harvest drying in the sun on the deck.