Thursday, June 24, 2010


It is official. I am retired after being in the education profession for the last 20 some years, 17 of which were counted toward my retirement from the school system. All in all I've put in 37 years if you calculate from when I graduated from college. My "stay at home mom" years I include as employment even though I wasn't paid. Now I'm retired with me as the boss, me to decide what I do or don't do.

On this first day, I didn't sleep in because the weather is incredibly hot. I have the sprinkler going on the garden and will be moving it around before the heat starts in. I have garden tasks to do which I enjoy, a good book to read when it gets too hot to work outside, and my first volunteer job which I agreed to do with retirement in mind back in February: editing the community newsletter.

When summer vacation would start in the past I would mentally count off the days until I had to return to school. This morning I started that count and then realized not necessary anymore. As Dan says "It's all summer vacation now."