Saturday, April 17, 2010

Garden Sculptures

Several 200+ year old cedar trees were cut down along the lane to our house by the electric company. It was very sad to see them go needlessly according to one neighbor. We salvaged some of the wood. Dan will make some bowls on his lathe. He has 12 pieces to play with. I took pieces to make sculptures for the glen garden. What do you think?

This one will look better once the ferns I transplanted fill out.

Vegetable Garden Status

Blueberry bushes are doing well. Full of blossoms.

Peas in this bed have not done well, even after replanting. I took off the chicken wire screen and planted more beets there instead.

A volunteer squash of unknown variety.

One lonely lettuce seedling. None of the others did anything.

Spinach from last fall has been delicious.

Beets are so so. I expected more to show up. This bed gets a screen cover to keep the turkey from eating the peas.

Garlic doing well.

The bed with more peas, Brussels sprouts and spinach.

I'm not impressed with the germination rate of the seeds I bought this year. Spinach, beets, lettuce, and peas have not germinated as I expected them to. I planted more beets, and lettuce today and planted the mesculun seed mix I had purchased in Vermont last year that did well.