Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Planting Peas and Other Signs of Spring

It has been very many years since I planted peas on St. Patrick's Day. I did do it today which is a great sign of spring. I use the trench method that Crockett's Victory Garden described. I added sticks for support. These are actually snowpeas. In keeping with the square foot gardener I planted them in three blocks at the ends of three of my beds for a total of 9 feet of peas. I still have some to plant next fall, too.

Another sign of spring, the garlic I planted in the fall is showing its green shoots through the 3 x 3 bed.

This spinach is a hold over from the fall. I will be planting some more too.

My compost is ready. I filled a bucket and dressed the garlic bed and added it to the beds where the peas were planted.

The goldfish with lots of lives survived the winter frozen for several months.

Another sign of spring are the crocuses. I planted these last fall, too in the perennial beds outside the bedroom wing. What a nice sight in the morning.