Monday, May 31, 2010

Monday's Harvest

Spinach and beet greens went into a pot to quickly steam. The beet greens had a stronger taste than did the spinach so I think we won't use anymore of them that way. I'll let them grow the beets so we can juice them.

Snow peas, garlic scapes and lettuce went into a salad with ranch dressing. I hope the harvest of peas will pick up so I can use them in stir fry or steam them.

See other harvests this Monday at Daphne's Dandelions

Sunday, May 30, 2010

State of the Garden: Vegetables and Flowers

The garden is lush. It's also very full.
Blueberries are forming nicely. I hope they ripen as Sarah gets home.
Emily gave me the idea of planting the cucumber in pots by the fence. I planted three pots of three cucumbers each! Too many, but I hated to waste the plants.
The garlic has scapes. I need to use these.
The snow peas are the monster plants. They grew much taller than I expected.

But they are now flowering and the peas are showing.
In the perennial garden the foxglove is having its turn showing off. The irises are done.

The clematis has the same color scheme.
This is the geranium Dark Reiter that my friend sent to me. It's one of three and looking good.
This is one of the Geum Koi - the only one with flowers.
The lime colored heuchera - Limelight is doing well.
The snow angel variety is too.
This is one of phlox with protective covering from the ground hog. He/she has visited me this spring but when it does!

This is a newer arrival Heuchera Carmel.

Lastly I planted basil I had started from seed inside out in the herb bed. I think the slugs are getting to these.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

New Blooms

Here are some blooms that didn't make it for Bloom Day.
Lupine -blooming for the first time. It was almost devoured last year by the ground hog.

Foxglove. From one plant many. I have transplanted the seedlings all over. The deer and ground hog don't touch it.

A golden iris I didn't know I had. I will have to move it because it is dwarfed by the bronze ones were it is.

Deep purple and lavender iris with multiple blooms on each stalk.

Knock out rose is knocking itself out blooming.

The snow peas in the garden are finally blooming.

Can you see a pond there? I've got to pull some cat tails - they are taking over.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Hawk Drama

We have hawks nesting in the glen we think and thus have daily sightings of these large birds. Today the hawk swooped through the backyard and landed on the fence of the vegetable garden. From there it went to the bluebird house. I can't be sure but I thought it was after one of the birds. It left then a few minutes ago when I looked out again it was back on the bluebird house.

The bluebirds are sitting on a nest. I checked on them yesterday and startled the male out of the house. Once the hawk flew off a second time both the male and female flew from the trees to the fence and then the male entered the house.

My fear is that the hawk will get one or both of the bluebirds.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

May Bloom Day

Blooms purchased yesterday waiting to be planted (above) and newly purchased/planted for this season (below).

Returning favorites in the gardens.

See other bloggers' blooms at May Dreams Gardens

Monday, May 10, 2010

Harvest Monday

Here's my Sunday harvest of spinach, a few beet greens, a few buttercrunch lettuce leaves, and green onions for a salad to serve on Mother's Day. Check out the other harvests at Daphne's Dandelions.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

The Perennial Garden

The surprise is the lupine has a bud. I didn't think it would survive but it came back and this year will bloom. The peony is having another year with no buds. What a disappointment.